Sunday, April 14, 2002

The Conclusion

Please note: Because this stalker wants attention, this will be my last entry about them.

I have a friend who's in the hospital that told me somethings that, well, made me sleep better at night. :D So if the mission of my stalker was to cause me to lose sleep, it didn't work. You see, E/D was one of Bill Gates's original team members, and helped make Windows. Last time this stalker came after me, he made sure to reassure us that they were trying a scare tactic. And for some? It worked. But remembering the past, I went back and asked before I moved my site. They told me to go to E/D. I did. And the things that he told me.... well.... They make more sense then the things that I was told yesterday. He bothered to let me talk; that's an important part of getting one to buy you bullshit and lies. If anyone wants the details, well, they'll just have to go to my LiveJournal. That's the one place online where no one can stalk me, unless I let them.

More Bullshit

I talked to someone today. Unfortunately, if you want to know what's going on, you'll have to have a LiveJournal account and be one of my friends there. :D Let me just say this: Lies work for the stupid, and with an IQ of 178, well, I'm considered extremely smart. I love my site here. I have people who are emailing me on a daily basis, telling me not to take it down. So I won't. But what I write here will be limited to things like the brownies that I made with Jade tonight, and the walk that I took my dog on. You know, boring shit. :p