Can It Get Any Better????
I came home from working on a project today to find a pink notice on the door. From the Tulsa Animal Control. It said that my dog had jumped the fence and was injured. She'd gotten over the fence once, and Dave and I had gotten her into the yard, but we were gone for four hours. She tried to get over the fence again, and I guess that one of the neighbors called the animal control center. She was taken to the vet and got her foot stitched up. Dave's been giving me a hard time, threatening me, and everything, because the dog isn't liscensed. She hasn't had any of her shots this year. She's totally illegal. And Dave hasn't been working. Well that's not my fault!!! I hate my life right now. No, wait, that's not true. I hate life and living in general. Why is December being ruined?

She's my dog. I can't help it that I don't have the money to get her back. I've worked ever sice Jade... Well.... And Dave's taken all my money!!

All I want for Christmas is my baby girl back. I've had her a little over a year. Please come home, Iha. I love you. I miss you.