A Bad Day or What?
I'm going to say this up front: I am not helping Jana with anything ever again for the rest of my life. Maybe even longer. Everytime that I try to help her, I end up in worse shape than I did before I started to help her. So here's what happened today. I seen a video cassette on the top shelf in Jade and Dave's room. The shelf was #8 above the desk. No problem, right? Just climb up on the desk and get it, right? I'm tall, I should be able to reach it. Well, there was a problem. I couldn't reach it standing on the desk, so I climbed up to the shelf above the desk, and started to pull the tape down when the shelf broke in two, and I was thrown to the floor. Now, under normal circumstances, a fall like that wouldn't have hurt me. But today? After being beat up Monday and my ribs already hurt? Let me put it this way: I was in sering pain laying there on the floor, trying to recover from the fall.
The ironic thing? I have the tape, but once again, I'm too pissed off to care. I'm still in a lot of pain.