I can't help but sit here and wonder what cruel thing Christina, a friend of mine, is going to say about Jade in her weblog. Jade's not ugly, even if all her hair has fallen out and all, but she's not the prettiest girl in the world either. But that's never stopped Christina. She thinks that it's funny, that people make web sites for their dead children, people with cancer, and people who believe in God. Worse, she puts them on her site. That scares me. Jade doesn't deserve to be tortured. None of us do.
I guess why I'm really rambling on about Christina is because of Marcy. She took off sometime about 24 hours ago. I spent all day today trying to track her down. I called her parents, Cedric, her grandmother, Tabby her cousin, Lindsay, and some other people from school that she was friends with. No luck. No one had even known that she was gone until I called them and asked if she was there with them. Running away or off is not uncommon with Marcy. Back in November, when she found out that she was pregnant with Jana, she ran away from home because she didn't know how her mom would react. That worked out ok. She got to keep the baby and gained the most-wanted-by-women-all-over man in the world as her husband (me genius). But I don't know why or where she could have gone to now. Was it because of me? Because I had a relapse Thursday afternoon? I can't help that. Cedric said that I'd probably have them ten years from now. Something that I am not looking forward to. If Marcy comes home, I'll try my hardest to hide these damned relapses. I promise. I miss her.