Saturday, July 07, 2001

To Be Member of the Month

I am only posting today because I don't want to skip a day and be run out for Memember of the Month at somewhere else I am not in the mood for any shit. I just had to throw Marcy out. I come home from two weeks in Yonkers, and find Cedric in my bed. He's been there all along. All week. Yesterday, Marcy decided to come clean to Jana, and she never warned me, she never told me what was going on, or anything. So for that, Jana, my dear, your mail link will stay here for all of eternity. Not only that, every time that I mention your name, a mail link will be there. Sorry, but you should have called me and told me what was going on. It's not like you don't have my phone number, because you do. You've called the whore a million times since May, and that number? Well, it was mine.

When I first got home, I thought that Marcy was the one in the bed. She was hiding out in the bathroom. "You could have at least greeted me at the door. Where's the baby?" I asked, setting my things down on the floor. "Billy?" came the French-Irish accent of Cedric, as he pulled my duvet off of his head. "Cedric?! Why are you in my bed? In my room? In my home..." I asked. I pulled the duvet off of him, and grabbed a hold of the front of his shirt, and pulled him out of bed. He immediately retaliated, and threw me off of him, and slammed me up against the wall of my own bedroom. "Look, I don't know why you think this is your room, because it's Marcy's. And I'm usually a peaceful person, but I will defend myself if I have to," he said. For someone that's an entire foot shorter than me, Cedric is one strong ass.

Once Cedric had left, Marcy decided to poke her whore-assed head out of the bathroom, and asked if I was mad at her. "Get the fuck out of my home!" I screamed at her. She just stood there. I pulled her by the arm out of the bathroom, and to the front door. She begged me not to do this all the way to the elevators. We rode to the lobby. I pulled her to the front door of the building, and threw her out. Returning back inside, I told Frank, the security guard, not to let Marcy back in here ever again. He agreed, and didn't ask any questions.

I have to go and wash the Cedric-filth out of my bedding and room. I think I'll tear up the carpet in there.

Friday, July 06, 2001

Citizen Jade

Yesterday was kind of scary. Jade was outside playing in the street with Dave, Vinnie, and Dionna (some weird Italian ball game), and she said that she just got really tired, and passed out. Dave thinks that she had a really mild heartattack. I don't know what happened to her, because I was asleep at the time that this happened. I didn't find out until after midnight, and only then because I asked Jade why she was up at that hour. She said that she couldn't sleep. That a pain was keeping her awake.

Yes, I've told people about Jade's health problems. No, I don't regret doing that. I think that if Jana, or Bonnie would continue to go through the trouble of saying that they love Jade so much that they'd keep it up as long as they have, then they must care about her, right? It's just that Jana's words...... They're almost identical to Julie's, and James was a friend of "Julie"'s. He was one of the many that defended her when the rest of the world was telling what a hoax she was. I'm sorry if Jana's reading this and she gets mad. She totally misunderstands my blog entries all the time. Take yesterday's entry for example. Yeah, I wrote it, but I did NOT post those Instant Messages. I just happened to find the site.That site was made with my IP number, so I figured that Marcy had made the site. I'm surprised that Jana didn't join the rest of the crew and ask where I got that magic mirror! Seriously, I thought that Jana believes that I'm a fake! And that she won't believe a word that I say, because she thinks that I go out and harrass people on the internet. I do. Just people I don't know in chat. See, I don't hurt people who've never hurt me.

In other words, Jade got a call from John Halcryon today. He called and I answered the phone. "Hey, is your cutie sister home?" he asked. "Where'd you get this phone number??" I demanded. He didn't tell me, but I still gave the phone to Jade. They talked for over an hour! No wonder Jade was given free membership to Citzen X!!!!

Thursday, July 05, 2001

"Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Next Great Internet Hoax Of All Time?"

"Why, Master! What are you doing up at 5 in the morning?"

"Who will be the next greatest Internet Hoax of all time? I want to know!"

"Oh Master! I see them! They have a web-log! They have leukemia! They're bald!"

"Do tell me who they are!"

"I see a 'C'!"

"I need a name!!!"

"An 'O' Master!........ An 'R'!....... Another 'R'!........ Oh Master!!!!!!"

"What is it Magic Mirror?!"

"The next great Internet Hoax!!!! It is you!!"


"Yes!!!!! Click here!!"

Okay, that site, it makes perfect sense! It's on the exact same type of a template as Jana's, and it's Instant Messages..... But are they real? Were they altered? After seeing that site, I got on my cellie (as Jade calls cell phones!), and called Bonnie. I woke her up out of a sound sleep, and told her to delete all of my pictures off of the Index. She gladly agreed to do so. I then wrote Jade a three page letter, asking her not to post any more pictures of me on her Pictograph site. This is sad. I can't even have my fucking picture on the web because some paranoid reject thinks that I'm a phantom! Yup, I guess I am a phantom. I'm not really here. You are not really reading this. You only think you are. But that's not the point. There are other points here. That site is authored by a Carslie Wheeling. Now, in the IMs posted, Marcy mentions that she's been watching re-runs of The Monkees on TV all week. Carslie Wheeling was a song done by The Monkees on one of their albums. It was written/sung by Mike Nesmith, who made a rock band play like a country-western band (now you know why they were never as popular as the Beatles!!!!!!). I believe that I have that song because I have all The Monkees's albums on CDs on shelves in my room. Marcy's probably been listening to them. Well, she should have picked a better name than that!! Carslie Jones would have thrown me off a little more. Anyway, long story short, I can't even have my picture on the web. Nope, I'm not a bald 17 year old that has leukemia, I'm Billy Corgan. Ask Jana, after all, she's the one that said it. I don't know if this is retaliation from me saying that she was James (and there are a LOT more similarities between her and James than there are me and Billy Corgan), or the fact that I won't fuck her, or what her problem is. Sorry to all those out there that loved seeing me on the web. You have Jana to thank for ruining that.

Note: For the uneducated, high-school drop out rejects in the South that have no brain cells because they have been interbred so much, I do not have a Magic Mirror that I looked into to find that site. I am a nocturnal web crawler. And I have a thing that tells me when my IP is being used. Naturally, I was curious as to why Marcy would get on the internet at 3 in the morning, Tulsa time. Now I know. I do not pretend that I talked to a magic mirror, and yes, I know the legal shit that I could get into for posting a mail link without Jana's permission. Think I care? I don't exist, remember Jana? So you can't legally do anything to someone that isn't here. Oh wait, I'm Billy Corgan! I forgot!!! Dumb ass. The Magic Mirror was on here because I think that it's funny. See, it's better than the pitty of several million assholes telling me that they feel sorry for me because I've got cancer. Rarely do I mention cancer. But some people will never know now, will they??

Wednesday, July 04, 2001

Right Between The Eyes

Actually, I don't know where the rock hit her, but I hit the Statue of Liberty with a rock!!!! I've always wanted to do that since I seen her on the cover of my 5th grade social studies book. To me, she was just standing there, all high and mighty. I swore to that cover that she'd get hers one day, oh yes, she'd get hers!

Jade's over-happy. Why? On the subway today going to the store (we just got back from this), Peter Wingfeild was sitting next to her. "Methos!!!!!!" she cried. Man, she was all over that poor actor the entire trip. I was too busy watching the hobo drool over James's camera that he had on a strap over his shoulder. You know that hobo was thinking about the hooker that camera would buy him after he pawned it.

Well, I've got some fire works to go see. And maybe shoot a few up some nose holes. Just to keep Jade's tradition alive!!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2001

All This Over A Magazine???

I did some research on murder today. No, not for the people that deserve it dearly, but for the people who are trying to commit it. Tomorrow was supposed to be fun. I was supposed to chuck a rock at the ugly, green face of the Statue of Liberty today. But I didn't get to. I stayed here in my grandmother-in-law's apartment, with Jade. Dionna, Vinnie, Richie, Erik, Dave, Marietta, and James went out to the drug store and picked up the first roll of film from here, and then went to other stores.

This entire vacation was ruined by the likes of Marcy. She can't help herself. She just has to make trouble doesn't she? Maybe I never should have told her yesterday that Jade had had another Grande Mal, that she was in incredible pain from it. That's why I decided to stay here. Jade has told too many people that she didn't have her heart medicine with her. She didn't think that she needed it any more. To make matters worse, Marcy put some weird ass entry in her on line diary about how she wished that James and Jade would pull a Romeo and Juliette and kill themselves, and that there was going to be a big surprise for Jade when she gets home. She also emailed Jade and rubbed it in her face: "Go read Jana's blog!! No matter what you tell her, she's not going to believe you." Jade read the blog. Why? I don't know. It didn't help her medical conditions one bit. It made the chest pains worse. She's been crying all day. Nothing that I say or do will cheer her up. She's wondering what Marcy's going to do. I have to agree that it's not going to be good, what ever the little bitch does. Why does she do this? Why does Jana??? You'd think with all her talk of being the mature adult, she'd not blog about Jade the way that she does. She knows about Jade's heart problems. She knows that stress makes it worse. Jade would never lie to Jana about anything. I think that I know my sister better than anyone else on this planet. I know when she's telling the truth or not. I know that she really considers Jana her friend. Jade wasn't the only one that was worried that Jana was going to do some permanent damage to herself popping all those pills. I was actually dumb enough to be worried too. Why? So that she can blog something about me next?

I don't know Jana's blog's URL. Jade told me that there was some talk that Jana didn't believe her this time, that she'd alter the IMs sent from Marcy to James that caused problems last night. All this over a damned copy of Angel Pop that Marcy wanted? This is why she didn't get a copy. Well, I'm going to go see if my sister's died of a broken heart yet. Although I think that death would be more merciful right now than keeping her alive.

Monday, July 02, 2001

Jade's Losing It

I refuse to believe that Jade apologized to that Chaplain. Why? He's pratically been insulting her the entire time that she's been working at Tulsa Regional Medical Center, yet when she fought back, she felt bad about it? That's not right! When someone's been shitting on you the entire time that you've known them, and you finally tell them off, you aren't supposed to feel bad about it afterwards! Get a clue Jade!!!

Well, at least Jana's back being nice to me again. How long will this last? Until I forget one of my 30 pills that I have to take throughout the day and screw up again probably. It's too bad. Jana can forgive James for the retarded stuff that he does when he's off his medicines, and she knows that people forgive her when she's off her medications, but what about me? Chances are, I'm still on her AOL block too. One thing about it, this makes me look good, even though someone is terrified of me from about 200 miles away, and I'm still nice to her and all. Yeah, Jana, you'd better be scared, because you never know when I'm going to snap and send you a package filled with loogies or Taxol-laced vomit, or maybe some of that hair of mine that I lost in the past few months!!!! Wahahaha!!!!

I've been out in the sun too much!!!

Sunday, July 01, 2001

Un-Joining the Piss and Moan Club

Jade made this blog look better probably because she feels sorry for me. That's okay. I like the thought that she actually went to work with her html skills to do this for me. I'm not going to lie here. It made me feel terrible that I'd lost to Isaac Hanson for the member of the month on the message board that I was a member of first. Well, what can I say? At least Jade is trying to make me feel better, and I'm not going to spend all day lounging in bed. Who knows? Maybe James will get arrested again, and I can film it, or he'll get a higher archery score than Dave. That really made Dave mad yesterday, to lose an archery match to James. But hey, at least he tried right? James was in the archery club at school. It was one of the few sports that he could participate in because he was on dialysis, and got dehydrated a lot for no reason.

I think there's a wedding tomorrow, but I'm not sure. I can't help but wonder if Dionna will be there to read the fortunes of the bride and groom or will she need help from Jade?