Thursday, October 25, 2001

It's Me Again, Margaret!!

If you don't know what song that line came from..... YOU SUCK! It's a good song, but something along the lines of what I would do!! I think I am having the worst week of my life, or what I told my brother Jesse that confused him: "The worst life of my week." It doesn't take much to confuse Jesse these days. I guess working at Boeing does that to you.

I love Dave. He brought me some penicillin, and I'm much, much better, strep-wise. However, he can't get any insurance to okay my next dose of Taxol, or pay for any of my medication. He brought two 50-gallon tanks of oxygen in here for me, because I can't breathe at night. Nothing to panic about or send money to us over. It's just something that happened, and I think I'll be getting some medicine next week. In the mean time I just have to suffer. Not a nice alternative, but a simple anti-inflammatory drug would help me. Sad isn't it? That I need drugs to lessen the side-effects of other drugs.. Oh well, I'm not loosing any sleep over it, so you shouldn't either. ::smiles::

Monday, October 22, 2001

CD Sickness

I'm still sick. Only this time I think I've got Darren's tonsilitis to make things a little worse, so I didn't go to work. Technically. I'm at James's buring his CDs that came in today. AKA: copying them on recordable CDs so that he has the master copies. Then I get them ready to be sent to the people who pre-ordered them. There are only three songs on this CD, but he had me put Drops of Jupiter on Jana's copy incase she didn't have the song. Jana's the only person that automatically gets a copy of James's singles. Even Bonnie has to pre-order. I guess these are just some of the little things that Jana doesn't know about that James does for her, and that she might never know about unless she actually talks to him about things.

I'm not going to link to there, but James wrote this poem today, or at least he posted and published it today, about how he "feels my pain". What a bunch of bullshit. I doubt that anyone's felt the pain that I've felt, both emotionally and physically.

Sunday, October 21, 2001


Today is one of my many sick days that I've grown used to. I can't sleep, nor do I think I will. I'm not even sure which end to stick on the toilet first; my ass or my head. I wish that we had a bathroom like the one at the apartment. That one had a little sink infront of the toilet so you could shit and puke at the same time. Which was cool. Think this is a repercussion of my recent mean streak that I let loose last week? I mean, my dad deserved the asshole casserole, but did James deserve me taking pictures of him in manly love positions? Damn, that was kind of funny. But I guess it's all catching up with me now, and I'd better stop before I die of nausea and cramps. At least Jana knows that I wasn't ignoring her before. Which is a good sign. Heh. Anything that's not a 40-year-old-throwing-a-temper-tantrum with her is a good sign. (KIDDING!!!)

At least Marcy's out playing in the leaves with Darren and not in here bothering me for sex. I just don't feel up to it right now.