Thursday, January 24, 2002

The Comments Have Arrived

I've got so many messages in my email that I have absolutely no way to answer them all at once. SO...... I put up these comments, courtesy of the people (webmaster?) at i-Asshole (see link to the left). Now, I'm sleepy. I need to get to bed. Jana never wrote me back.... Maybe she'll post annonymous posts in my comments?

Wednesday, January 23, 2002

Toxic Love

I am very, very, very tempted to tell Jana about the erotic story that James wrote last night.... about anal sex between two men. How would he know what it was like without doing it himself? He mentions fingering another guy up the ass and everything. If you ask me, it was too real...

Still, I guess that Jana will love anyone for the money that they have. No matter what. And yes, I believe that I can say that at this time. Jana owes me.

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

Live And Learn

I am seriously considering getting some sort of comments section on this weblog. Ever since the great graphic conspiracy last week, people have been emailing me to death. Mostly people who have had things stolen from their sites, and one thief who wrote to me this:
"i think you would be glad that she stole your graphic because it promoted your online talents."

Now, why would I be happy that someone not only took something that was mine, but claimed it as their own??? Do I really look that stupid? If someone stole your, oh, say, car, and claimed it was theirs, would you be happy? Probably not. Same thing applies here. Just you never know when someone has taken your stuff.

I didn't start on this to whine and complain about something that not only happened last week, but was resolved back then too. I started writing tonight, because, well, have you read James's bio????????????? Oh GOD!!! When I read that, especially the seventh paragraph, all what I could think of was that bitch Jana!!! I was blinded by HATE towards her!! I started seeking revenge. I broke dishes just to hear them break. I hit Jade's new "love-of-the-moment" over the head with a.....

Wait a second. Why would anyone overreact about that? You know, if James mentions you on any of his sites (aside from his weblog, of course!), then you should take it as the honor that it is. He wasn't making fun of anyone on that site. He wasn't insulting anyone. He told the truth, whether Jana's senility has kicked in full tilt or what, she really said that the song was stupid (still don't remember, Jana? Maybe this will refresh your memory.), and well, it really happened, so he wrote about it in his bio. Why does she get mad about all that stuff? It doesn't make any sense, if you ask me....

At least my fit over the bio wasn't as bad as Jana's. She was actually crying her drunken head off when she talked to Jade last night on the phone. What's that? She wasn't drunk? Well, then, I'd be really embarrassed about that call if I were her.

Why did I write here tonight? I think it sucks that James is considering closing his site because Jana's throwing a fit about a couple of lines on it. I don't have a .com, .net, or .org domain. But I'd like to some day. They cost big money. Hey, if he does close it down, then maybe I could have it!! Isn't it already paid for??

Sunday, January 20, 2002

All Hell

Well, the search for the stalkers continues. People are pissed. Jules was interviewed yesterday by the guy from the forum who's been keeping us updated. The guy who's been laughing his ass off at Tamara the whole time. Damien. He was a member of that forum, and the stalkers actually think that he's on their side!!! Tamara actually emailed him the place where her site is now!! And yet she thinks she's so smart!

Okay, here's where I'll stop gloating about all that shit. Who cares anymore? As long as neither of them are coming to our sites and hounding us by the second (thanks to this wonderful little site and it's many posts of information), I don't care if they fall off the face of the earth. ::Yawns:: I need sleep.