Just A Fact That I Must Attack
I've avoided the subject of Jade's death long enough. I guess that people think that there's something severely wrong with me because I haven't written thousands of pages on how much I miss Jade, and how crushed I am that she's dead. I don't want to think about Jade, or what's happened to her. But it makes me look heartless and cold. As if I didn't care about her. That's completely the opposite of why I haven't come on here and written anything. I miss Jade too much. It's more of a sad, harsh reality as to why I haven't come online and posted my heart out about this. I want to believe that Jade's still alive out there somewhere. That she'll come home tomorrow and we'll watch the Wombats' game together again, like we used to. But you know what? That's not going to happen.
I'm going to go into some minor details of Jade's death. Only because I believe that people need to know the truth. Not because I want a couple of sickos to come here and play with themselves over the thought of my sister dying and suffering. Jana and all of Jade's internet friends deserve to know the truth. Okay, here goes nothing.
As you may or may not know, Jade suffered from a rare blood disorder, I don't know the name, but it caused her blood to be too thick. She went into shock Friday from taking an asprin, and her baby died. She was given something to thicken her blood. This caused her to go into Pulmonary Embolism or PE Sunday afternoon. She got dizzy and fell. A second blood clot in her lungs killed her in the ER. Dave had gone to get her something for the clot, but he was too late.
Jade's memorial service at Tulsa Regional Medical Center was today, and her funeral will be Friday in Hamphstead, London England. I might not write again until after all that. I miss Jade terribly, and I wish that the pain could and would go away. Nothing will ease it. I know. I've tried everything.