How To Rule The Internet
More Mistakes That Katy Made
Well, now that you know how to sucessfully stalk someone online, what do you do when the going gets tough, people catch on to what you're doing, and, well, post things about you online that exposes you for the fraud that you are? SIMPLE! You report their sites! Make wild accusations about the people who run the sites, (please, make sure that you cut, copy and past the URLs to the emails; you'd be surprised at how quickly self-respecting companies throw out complaints because the person mispells the domain that they're reporting) and best of all, keep a private journal, online of course, where you post regularly about how you're going to take these people down. They've been online four years longer then you. They surely won't have more online friends then you, right? So what do you do? Since your true colors shown brightly when you stole a sickly girl's pictures (we noticed that you've since taken them down off your site-- good choice on the "stalker" things, because people would wonder, when she died, why you never updated your pictures), and they shone some more when you purchased the domain for the only purpose of promoting your hate for Asians, so why not post racial remarks in your LiveJournal account? The "private" one? I mean, there's no way that any of your six "friends" that reads that can possibly be friends with one of us, right? And they can't possibly be taking screen pictures of that for us and helping us report you to LiveJournal, right?
So, there's this site, that's got all this info on you, right? And even though it's all true, you want it taken down because the truth about you hurts. So...... You make up these tales, never stopping to actually read the damned site, and see the name DARREN HAYES all over it, even in the hosting billing information, and you never bothered to research him, so you think that you're in the clear. You report the site. Make stupid accusations that even the hosting company can see, mispell the damned domain when reporting (you must have been typing so fast that you couldn't control what lies were coming from you) and never stopping to think that every time that you requested the blog owner's password on Blogger, it was sent to his email address, and not your own. Your IP has also been recorded at these times, and you've left tracks on the person's domain. This information has been collected, and DARREN HAYES takes this in person, along with his lawyer and lots of money, to FUSE.NET internet services AKA: Cincinnatti Bell. He presents this information, and they agree to shut off your service at the drop of a hat. Because you are stalking. You, whether you know/realize it or not, are posting racial remarks on your LiveJournal account. And you have been caught, and your account terminated. Sorry. There's probably nothing that you can do now. Too bad. You shouldn't have messed with us.