Source For George Harrison Images
When my sister got me up this morning, actually from my noon-time nap, I thought something pretty bad had happened. And it had. For her anyway. I'll admit it. I'm not that big a Beatles fan, mostly because of my Marilyn Manson ways. But it was a little shocking to find out that George Harrison died today, and Jade thought that I was next....? I felt better because I was out of Tulsa's air pollution, not because I'm ready to die or anything!! Sheesh! Still, I thought that I should do something for George Harrison in some way, so I got on AOL, after the Nintendo war, and FTPed three pictures. Two classic ones, and a more modern one, which I'm assuming was taken more closer to the day of his death.
If you want to use these pictures on your weblog/site/profile, feel free to, but because I made them into JPEGs myself, they're technically copyrighted to me, and I'd appreciate it if you'd ask before you steal. You can use my bandwidth on AOL too, I really don't care.