Saturday, February 09, 2002

And It Begins

I hate this place. Have I ever really expressed that enough in the past? You lie here in these beds, sitting there wondering if the nurse will get back to you on the bedpan request, and finally you give up, stagger to the bathroom, miss the toilet, wind up on your ass on the floor of the bathroom, pissing. But this is better then going to work next week. WAAAAAAAY better. And to think, people said that there were no upsides to leukemia! HA!

I found out something that shocked me a little today. Shauny is a... girl? Yeah, it's true. Not that I have a problem with that, it's just that I thought she was a he... Okay, this isn't the first time that this happened. Back when I was first reading the Wunderblog!, I could have sworn that it was written by a guy... But it wasn't. Then there was Saundra, who I just knew that a satire like that was written by a guy...........

Damn, the girls that I grew up around just didn't think things like that, let alone post them on a world wide network where anyone could see them. Not that this is something bad, it's changed the way that I look at women.. In a NIIIIICE way!

Thursday, February 07, 2002

Every Moment

This isn't going to be a sappy post. If you're a fan of Jade's weblog (or you were until the stalkers came around), you'll know that she wrote a commentary about the stalkers. It's pretty detailed. So that she won't be found by them, I took the leisure of posting the commentary here. It's very well written, and it's...... THE TRUTH. People wanting to know the truth should read it. The commentary will be on Jade's weblog sometime tomorrow.

I feel weird. I think I'll go lay down.

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

The Bad, The Worse, And The Shit On

When I find out who's leaving the cowardly annonymous posts on James's guestbook, I'm going to fuck them up good. I get sick of people online who think they're God and have to screw with everyone here. James's domain isn't hurting anyone. Well, with the exception of the jealous cunts who were after my sister back around Christmas.

Speaking of Jade... This is the part that I'm going to hate writing, because I secretly think that it's because of me that she decided to do this, but, she tried to kill herself today. I was at work, and Dave was off fucking around when he was supposed to be home, and Jade found her pain pills. She took them all. I was horrified when I found this out. I can't help but wonder if my current test results had something to do with this. I told her not to worry about me; I'm used to the pain. I can deal with it. She's alive, but it still scares me. I'm not going to be home at all next week, so there's no telling what she'll do then.

Sometime Friday morning, it's CHEMO week again. Yeah, I'm sure that you all wanted to hear that SO bad. Well, I need to get my ass in bed. It's late. And I have to work tomorrow. I think.

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

Crule Jerks

Some dicksucker emailed me this:

"Why do you have that stupid star graphic thing on your site? Don't you know that you're not only ripping off BWG, but the girl's still alive. retard."

Okay.... It's MY site, Kaycee was MY friend, and, well, no one's forcing you to be here. So... If you don't like the site, the I suggest that you simply don't type the URL in your browser again. How simple is that? I guess it's not so simple, because people just have to send hate messages to James's guest book, thinking that it's all annonymous... Well, I hate to burst their bubbles, but it's not. If you sign anyone's guestbook, then, well, your IP is recorded. Just like Katy's IP is recorded everytime she tries to hack into James's newest domain. So I suggest that you drop it. Or dorp it. However you want to spell it.

Monday, February 04, 2002


So, it looks like Blogger's going to let me publish today. What's up with that all of a sudden? It seems that every other month it has to malfunction just to prove that it's computer-run or something like that.

Jade told me something pretty bad today. She said that we don't have the medical insurance that we used to, and therefore, I'm going to have to pay for Jana's doctor appointment tomorrow. It's just a checkup, but still, I thought that everything was okay. Why does she keep things like this from me? I could have been helping all along, if I had only known. Well, sitting here isn't going to solve anything.

Sunday, February 03, 2002

Baby Talk

Okay, I guess that I'd better write an entry about my daughter or something, or people might start thinking that I don't care about her. Or worse, that I'm going to sell her to the Mexican Mafia or something equally sickening. To make things a little easier for me, she actually did something cute today that I can talk about. Nicole's been walking now for at least a week, on her own. She doesn't need help any more, and she doesn't have to pull herself up to get up at all. She's also going to be 2 this year, so it's not like it's that much of an accomplishment. Well, Jana's just where she can pull herself up using the curtains, chair seats, the table cloth, you name it, and it hangs down, she can pull herself up with it. Today, Nicole was standing by the table, waiting for someone to drop some food or something so that she could dive for it, and Jana crawls over to her. Pulls herself up using Nicole's shirt for help, and stands there like she really did something great. Nicole gets this look, and glances over at Jade, who was making a spinach salad, and then real quickly, pushes Jana down on the floor. Jana sits there for a second, and then bursts out laughing, as if Nicole did that for fun.

If you ask me, Nicole's going to be a bitch, just like her parents. Damien, son of Satan + Jade, Goddess Queen of Bitches = One Evil Baby.