Day 4
I Want To Be You
I can't believe the gall of the people online. Especially the fat and old ones who want to be young again. Notice I didn't add "pretty" in there. Everyone's young once. But some people will never be pretty. Even with plastic surgery. Some people go so far as to steal other people's pictures. Others? Well, they don't want to correct their mistakes. James, Jade, and once Marcy, told Jana how she could make the wrong things right this time. But she doesn't seem to want to. Why doesn't she want this angry mob, so to speak, off her case? Does she like this? James says yes, and that this is a lost cause, and we should all just let what happens happen. James also told us that Jana probably wants this kind of attention. Who would want a group of people posting online that she's a sick bitch? I know that I wouldn't want people posting that about me. All that it would have taken to stop this was for Jana to go to Jade's comments section of her weblog and post that she was sorry that she'd said all that stuff about Jade. But nope. She's going to take the other way out. What's the other? Darren said that he was going to help Jana, tell her how to make things better. But I think that James got to him too. Told him that nothing's going to help here.
You know what? James is right. I tried to tell Jana the truth, and you know what her reaction was? To put me on block. Yup, that's the right thing to do in this sort of a situation. Block people who tell you what the right thing to do is. I'm with James on this. Let's not help her. Why is she coming to teenagers for help on this sort of thing anyway? Didn't her parents teach her the right from wrong? Guess not. I've got other things that I need to work on. I didn't really have the time to sit here and write two paragraphs about how Jana's screwed up BIG time and for the LAST time, but I thought that I should be able to write about it. I mean, she's too much of a coward to come to our weblogs any more anyway.