Friday, March 08, 2002

A Little Road Trip

Sunday I'm off to Alabama. This is the last attempt of mine to see if Jana is real, or a figment of Marcy's imagination. I know already that the trip will be a waste of my time, because of all the other mounting evidence that Jana wasn't real. Once this is all said and done, and I have solid evidence that Jana isn't real, evidence that can stand up in court, that is, I'm going to have to take some dramatic measures here. Maybe have Marcy locked away for a good long time, so that she can't hurt anyone else. A mental facility? They probably won't send her anywhere like that unless she says that she believed that Jana was real, when infact she was totally made up. If nothing legal can be done about this, then maybe I can get Marcy into a mental facility some other way. The bottom line? I don't let her online anymore. No matter what. I've also had everyone password protect their computers here, and no longer store their AOL passwords. James said that when he gets home from this tour, Marcy will not be able to come to his house to clean out her email account.

I tried a little experiment today. I called that Alabama number that "Jana" has been passing out to everyone. And guess what? A man answered the phone. When I asked if Jana lived there, guess what he said? "No. Never heard of her." Okay, maybe she got her phone number changed. We had to do that several times here. That doesn't mean that she doesn't exist. Well, maybe it does. I don't know. But I'll find out Sunday.


Here's what I found out today: Marcy's hotmail account consists of emails from back in November of 2000. However, none of those emails are from Jana. That seems very strange to me. You'd think that with a friend like Jana, Marcy would keep all the email that they sent to them. The next big thing that I found out was: The buffysashay screen name was in my deleted screen names. I know I didn't do this, so that only leaves Marcy. I have a plan, though. I want to go to Alabama. Check the address that James was sending stuff to. Just to see who lives there. This isn't stalking. She gave the address to Marcy. Or someone did. I just want to see if she's real. I just want to help. But I don't have any good intentions when I do this.

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

Still Searching

I know why you're here. You want to know what I know about the Jana situation. So far? I've got a lot of files to plow through. I've changed one of my screen names so many damned times that if Marcy is Jana, then she's down at the bottom of the middle of the list. This is starting to make me feel sicker then the Taxol ever could. Who the hell makes up personalities only to trick their friends? If you're going to be someone else online, do it to have fun. Don't have cancer, or some terminal illness. Don't let others think that you're someone who's married with kids when you're really not. And for fuck's sake, don't make up other personalities to be your kids and friends. That's just sick. And besides, eventually, we'll get looking at the IP, especially when they all think that Marcy is the greatest thing to come along since sliced bread. I have work to do.

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

A Much Worse Hoax

I had more emails about Kaycee, but I think that you should all know about another hoax that was uncovered just a few hours ago by Darren. Actually, he asked a simple question: "Suppose Marcy was Jana". That made me think. Marcy and Jana were always online at the same time. They mispelled the same words. No one's ever even talked to Jana on the phone except Marcy. Do I think this was another hoax? Yes, I do. What am I going to do about it? Simple. Tonight, when Marcy goes to bed, I'm going to check the AOL files, and see if there's a screen name on my account (deleted or otherwise) titled "buffysashay". I have no idea what can be done about this other then deleting the screen name permanently, and going on. So many of us had become close to Jana. If she's not real, then I'm going to have no choice then to tell Marcy that she can never come online again. She gave James false hope. She also gave Jade false hope too. She tricked a lot of people. I will get to the bottom of this. I won't let it go on. But I want to get rid of this sickly feeling before I try to do too much.

Monday, March 04, 2002

This And That

This was going to be a simple, blah post, where I just complain about the usual shit. But before I could do that, I had to check my email and my referrer shit first. I just had to do that. There was all this bullshit in my email inbox about Kaycee, and how I was either one of two things: an idiot, moron, retard, or a legally blind person, or I'm Debbie. What the Hell??? I can't have a friend online without a bunch of freaks interferring? Are they that jealous? If so, why the hell was Ryan also getting emails from Kaycee? I have pictures of myself and Kaycee, so I guess that she's real, huh? And I'll post the pictures when I get damned good and ready. Or at least when my scanner is working again. Whichever happens first.

I wanted to post about how Jana is out laying drunk somewhere, encouraging Marcy to puke herself to death, and encouraging Jade to lay drunk, leave her family, and abuse her body like Jana does, but I can't do that now. I have to get some sleep. I know, it's only barly nine, but I'm more then tired. Before I go, though, I found this graphic a few weeks ago. However, I don't think it's all that true.... That's not Popeye.... That's me! And I don't have to eat any goddamned spinach to get those results!!

Sunday, March 03, 2002

The Trouble With Jana

The trouble with Jana lately, is that she's been teaching Jade some pretty bad habits. Get drunk if you want to. Throw away your kids. Just because she has nothing to live for anymore doesn't mean that she has to take my sister down with her. The worst thing that Jana's pushed on Jade was, well, the decision to leave Dave. Jana's made some sort of glamour about "Shorty", the one who you will probably remember as the man who beats her regularly. Anyway, she somehow told Jade that she needs a man like Shorty: One who will let her stay intoxicated round the clock, will give her great sex, and best of all, will get rid of those "useless, fucking kids". The last thing that Jade needed right about now was someone to drill all those silly thoughts into her head. Yes, she's still on probation until bright and early Monday morning. But, she's not going to show up for the hearing because she's going to skip classes Monday so that she can pack Dave's stuff and throw him out. Why? What went wrong here? Am I missing something?

I'm sick today as I was yesterday. I should go to sleep now. It's really late. But I emailed Jana. Not that she'd have the nerve to email me back.